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March Next Step Class
If you are new to Rock Hill or are interested in becoming a member - we would love to have you join us on Sunday, March 23, at 12:15p for our March Next Step Class! This is a time for you to get to know more about us as we get to learn more about you! Just let us know you're coming by using the button below to register!
NEXT STEP REGISTRATION!Preparing for College Class
Helping your student prepare for college can be overwhelming and we’d like to help! This class will focus on information on helping your student find the right college, navigating financial aid, and transitioning successfully into college life! Tell a friend and make plans to be there!
Join us for the Women's Spring Banquet Brunch on Saturday, April 12, from 11:00a-1:00p! Enjoy a delicious brunch, hear from Karen Adalian and Kim Barron, and connect over the theme of "Seasons." We'll also be accepting donations for summer camp scholarships—don’t miss out!
Palm Sunday Picnic
Celebrate Palm Sunday with us on April 13, right after the 11:00 a.m. worship service, at our fun-filled Palm Sunday Picnic! Enjoy a delicious church-wide BBQ lunch and a joyful Easter egg hunt for all kids through 4th grade. Bring the whole family for an afternoon of laughter, community, and celebration!
Easter at Rock Hill
You're invited to join us for a joyful and exciting Easter Sunday at Rock Hill Baptist Church! We will be celebrating the resurrection of our Savior with three worship services at 8:30a | 9:45a | 11:00a. Come experience a morning filled with uplifting worship and biblical teaching. We can't wait to celebrate with you!
FIND OUT MORE!Bingo For Missions
Join us for a fun-filled Bingo for Missions night on May 1 from 6:00p-8:00p at Rock Hill! Enjoy delicious chips, salsa, and a churro bar while supporting local and international missions. Bingo cards are just $3 each, with all funds going to support the incredible work happening at Rock Hill—register today!