Call to Recovery

Addictions Anonymous

At Call to Recovery we are a minstry that utilizes the 12-Step program of recovery as oultined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous to help people overcome addictions of all types.

At Call to Recovery, we seek to re-anchor the 12-Steps in our lives and to recognize the biblical framework they came from. We acomplish this by acknowledging our broken relationship with God, accepting moral responsibility for failures, admitting our powerlessness and the need for outside help. We ask God to remove defects of character, by committing to making amends to all whom we have been harmed, seeking through prayer to improve conscious contact with God, as well as carrying this message of healing to others – this formula for recovery comes straight from the pages of the Bible.

In our program we have elected to use the various resources; such as, the Big Book, the Big Book Study guide, the Good Book (Life Recovery Bible), Narcotics Anonymous text book, and others, to stay focused on the 12-Steps of recovery.

The only requirement for membership is a desire to be set free from addiction &/or addiction related issues.

It is our great hope that all those who have no answer in dealing with their addiction, may begin to find one in our C2R meetings and join us on the high road to a NEW FREEDOM.

If you have any questions about C2R ministry please contact us at or (903) 852-6711.

I would love to share our vision and my heart for C2R with you.

Meetings & Locations

C2R has many meetings scattered throughout Henderon county. Meetings for all ages and for all addicts of any kind. If you would like to be apart of one of the many meetings, check and see which one is near you.

Coffee House Ministry

Coffee House is a great place for people to experience the love of God, praise and worship, have fun, and prepare your hearts for Sunday worship. On any given Saturday evening we may have a live band, open mic time, and a devotion…with plenty of coffee and snacks of course.

Iron House

Our mission is to provide a safe sober living environment with structure, support, guidance, and accountability for the men who have a sincere desire to change their lives through healthy relationships, as they work the 12-Step program of recovery as outlined in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Our Goal is to focus on honesty, accountability, productivity and integrity in a Christian based atmosphere.Iron House is a not-for profit transitional living facility, located in East Texas. We provide safe and affordable housing for men suffering with alcohol and drug addictions.

Our residents include people on probation and parole who are seeking a new way of life in an alcohol and drug free environment.
We give our residents the tools they need to build a strong recovery foundation and make positive changes and choices in their lives, while restoring families and making the community a better place to live.

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