Rock Hill News – August 18th, 2024

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Promotion Sunday and Parent Orientation

Today is promotion Sunday! We are thrilled to introduce our children and preschoolers to their new teachers and classrooms! Also, there will be a parent orientation today for parents of children preschool through high school. This orientation will provide important information about our ministry, upcoming events, and ways you can actively participate. This will take place during our 11a service in the fellowship room of our main campus. We hope your family will attend!

August Next Step Class

If you are new to Rock Hill or interested in becoming a member, we would love to have you join us today following the 11:00a service in Room 106/107 for our August Next Step Class! This is a time for you to learn more about us as we learn more about you! Lunch and childcare are provided! 

Deploy Team Night

If you are currently serving or would like to find your place to plug in at Rock Hill, we would love for you to make plans to join us next Sunday, August 25th, at 4:00p for Deploy Team Night! At this event, you will learn about the various ministries in the church and you will be given opportunities to plug in and begin serving. We hope you will make plans to join us!

Search Committee Survey

Our Senior Pastor Search Committee would like your input on the qualities you feel are important for our next senior pastor. Click the link below to fill out our survey! Search Committee Survey


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Can’t worship with us in person? Join us online at 9:45a