Vacation Bible School Parent Update – Day 5
Hello VBS Parents,
We are excited for Vacation Bible School Day 5! Tonight, the marketplace has been a buzz with news of Daniel’s arrest and everyone is on edge about what is about to happen. Daniel has been thrown into the lions den and things look dire! How can Daniel get out of this one! Your kids won’t want to miss our final night of VBS as they learn that God is with you wherever you go. Also, this Sunday VBS attenders will be able to participate in leading our church in worship and celebrating all that God has done through VBS! More information about the Worship/Celebration is located below!
Sunday VBS Celebration!
Children who attended VBS are invited to help lead our worship services for our 9:45 am and 11:00 am services. If you would like your child to participate in the singing, please check-in your child BY 9:30 AM at the check in desk and drop them off in their Sunday Morning Class (Grade School is upstairs and Preschool is downstairs). Kid’s classes will make their way to the sanctuary at 9:35 AM. After the completion of their singing, kids will make their way back to their classrooms for Sunday morning activities.
At the end of the 9:45 service, Kid’s classes will heads back into the sanctuary to lead worship for the 11:00 AM service. After singing during the 11:00 am service Grade school VBS groups will head to Kid’s worship, located in the fellowship hall and preschool groups will head back to their Sunday school classes. At 12:00 pm parents will pick up their children from their classes and head outside the front doors to enjoy snow cones!!
KONA ICE will be onsite making snow cones for all our VBS families!! Please join us as we celebrate all that God has done during the week!
Aron Adalian
NextGen Pastor
Rock Hill Baptist Church